Maintenance & Service
Maintenance and preventative maintenance are elementary components of a successful technical process chain in all industrial companies. These processes are also becoming increasingly important with regard to industry 4.0. In order to implement all these points successfully, IBE AG has developed a concept and program with the MCP network to achieve a higher level of maintenance processes within a very short time.
The implementation includes the following milestones:
■ Qualification of your local maintenance staff for the future
■ Optimization of your maintenance organization and coordination of your processes
■ Maximizing the technical availability of your equipment
■ Optimization of your maintenance processes
■ Optimization of the basic conditions for your maintenance
■ Analysis of the life cycles of the individual unis and complete systems
■ Changeover of the process, away from the failure-oriented maintenance to preventive maintenance
■ Work safety is increased and guaranteed
■ Production is effectively ensured
SPEED®=StrategicProcessforEffectiveness-and Efficiency-Developement
What is SPEED®?
■ is a methodology for the optimization of maintenance and asset management
■ effectiveness takes into account (= "The right things to do") and efficiency ("Doing things right")
■ integrates proven optimization approaches (E.g. IPSA systems, TPM, RCM, teamwork, BSC)
■ is based on benchmarking and best practice approach (AMIS - database of MCP international)
■ is designed for the main QM systems (such as EFQM, 9001:2000)
What does SPEED® do?
■ is used for the further development of existing organization or their redesign
■ supports the long-term assurance of operating site with competitive costs, high productivity and continuous performance improvement
■ guarantees rapid and sustained success
How does SPEED® work?
■ SPEED® is a systematic approach in 6 steps with a focus on cost drivers and the operationally important facilities and services
■ The implementation of SPEED® follows the principle of the PDCA cycle (plan-do-check-act)
1. Plan = planning: Determining of status, action is needed to determine and define objectives
2. Do = perform: Implementation of activities through your staff based on priority action plans
3. Check = test: Review the activity implementation (actions, benchmarking, target performance)
4. Act = correct: Ev. revision of targets and implemented solutions / activities
■ SPEED® is based on practical and meaningful consultation tools (E.g. AMIS®, ORGSCAN®, DC-SCAN®)
■ The implementation of SPEED® integrates your employees active in the optimization process and takes into account the individual framework conditions in your company
IBE AG offers you complete solutions for the introduction and optimization of all maintenance services.
Contact us if you would like to know more about this service.